Hi there, ::ffff: :)

Yep, online again...

...partially, though: running in maintenance mode: any new requests for support or development will be rejected.

Notes for any web strangers, reached this place

You are (Sec|Sys|Dev)Ops, investigating logs?

Noted in www/app/mta journal some weird PTR-assigned client with suspicious naming, huh? Keep calm:

  1. This domain - and this host - managed by individual person, in own projects publishing purposes.
  2. No public relay services are provided by this host. No DNS records are expected for this purposes as well, sorry for absent DNSSEC support.
  3. Mail traffic expected from this host - valid DKIM and SPF policy complaince must be expected. Considering MTA settings are not messed up...
  4. IRC traffic possible from this host - limited by user ident llorephie, for public servers: occasionally, mobile operator restrictions bypass needed.
  5. WWW traffic possible from this host - expect one client, using own server in ISP limits bypass purposes: like downloads, VoIP, and so on.
  6. Host is not used: as ONION/I2P relay; for port scanning; exit node for unverified peers. Never was, since 2021, at least...
  7. Domain registered on real person.
  8. There are untrusted services running on host, and security violations are possible: sandboxing applied, but in cases, not referred in above mentioned conditions - send report.

TL;DR: things, available on this domain in past - not available, and gone - and there are no plans to restore them.

> I'm done with freelance services, and have no spare time for FOSS activities, at least now. If you want reasons/plans on...

  1. 3y offline? - full-time job, international billing issues, time absense, somewhat messed domain redelegation. That's it.
  2. Blog? - maybe something is still available on github.com/llorephie/llorephie.github.io - updates not planned. Nevermind.
  3. Mail? - one of main reasons bring domains online again, as MTA messed up with lost domain delegation, previously linked on terminated account. Setting up all this mess, bruh...
  4. Gateway? - private usage only - me, my personal devices and interconnect of my servers. No public access, as always.
  5. Dev? - nothing new, worthy or unrestricted for share, as for now. Maybe, someday - but no time predictions.
  6. Game servers? - infrastructure of guild-bt.ru is online and still entrusted for my administration. Occasionally, unrelated game servers could be set up - for private party purposes, temporary.
  7. Hosting? - currently no spare time for web hosting, if anyone wonder, nor even my own projects. No plans for service return.
  8. KeySignParty? - welp, gpg and web-of-trust looks dead public key could be retrieved via WKD: inbox-at-domain, old keys are lost and should be untrusted. Usage of X.509 preferred, though.
  9. Analytics? - long since discontinued: since 2014, at least, in my own apps. Only server journals, stored for 7 days. Congrats on successful defrosting, yeah...
  10. (any-not-listed-thing)?... - gone into abyss, yeah. Maybe some backups still available, though...

> Still need anything, bothering you enough to continue seeking contact points? Welp, you can place issue on github.com/llorephie/llorephie - or use email from GitHub profile.